it is disgusting to see people making merry at deformity 意味
- 奇形の人をおもしろがって笑い者にする連中を見るとむかむかする
- it it 其れ それ イット
- disgusting disgusting adj. いやな. 【副詞】 a deeply disgusting crime ひどく嫌悪感を催させる犯罪
- see see v. 見る, (ものが)見える; 察知する, 会う; 見送る. 【副詞1】 See you again tomorrow.
- people 1people n. 人々, 人民, 従者, 家族; 国民, 民族. 【動詞+】 The inn can accommodate 300
- making making n. 作ること, 製造(過程); 材料; 素質, 要素. 【動詞+】 He has the makings of a general
- merry merry adj. 楽しい, 陽気な, 愉快な; 《英口語》 ほろ酔いの. 【副詞】 They are downright merry now.
- deformity deformity n. 不具, 奇形. 【動詞+】 What causes these deformities?
- to see to see 望む のぞむ 思い描く おもいえがく 見る みる 見受ける みうける
- merry making
- merry-making
- disgusting disgusting adj. いやな. 【副詞】 a deeply disgusting crime ひどく嫌悪感を催させる犯罪 physically disgusting 肉体的に嫌悪感を与えるような a man with tremendously disgusting personal habits 実にいやな身のまわりの習癖の持ち主. 【
- disgusting! disgusting! げろげろ
- many people making a din many people making a din わいわい
- people queuing to see ~を見ようと並んでいる人々{ひとびと}
- see a lot of people that are unhappy 不幸{ふこう}な人をたくさん見る
- "it is difficult to understand the mind of a child" 意味
- "it is difficult to understand things from another person's angle" 意味
- "it is difficult to write without bias" 意味